Dynamic page won't load

I have a feature which allows users to input multiple fields of data, which, upon clicking “generate”, should save to a database and then present itself as part of a dynamic page. The feature worked fine, but for some reason the dynamic page no longer loads. The data is still being saved to a database, and the “generate” button is still linked to the dynamic page.

https://www.nounpaid.com/report-to-hrmc this is the page where users input data.

Any ideas? Thanks


I can see that the button is linked to a page but is also bound to the dataset ‘on success’ event.
Try to eliminate the link and only navigate by the dataset success.

Let me know if it worked for you.

On another topic, I can see that the path to your dynamic page is based on the ‘Name’( / candidate) field of the user’s input. I’d suggest you to rethink this method as there might be more than one user with the same name.
For example, if you have two users named “John Cena” and the path is dictated according to the name of the user - it is very likely that both users will end up on the same page (or sometimes on each-others pages), the behavior would be unexpected either way.

I suggest that you’ll base your path on a unique field such as itemID or _ownerID.
The value of itemID is unique and so - two items will never have the same ID,
while the value of _ownerID is relative to the current user. Since every user got his own ID, two users (with the same name) will never get their data mixed up.

Hope that helps.
