Dynamic Light Boxes

I need to have each item in a dataset display in a light box the way Dynamic pages work, basically I’m using BASIC SHAPES with a link to a unique light box, how ever, I need to create around 700 unique light boxes, is there any way I can add code that will enable each BASIC SHAPE to open a light box, but populate the fields in the fields in the light light box with information from the fields in the data set. When I click on a different BASIC SHAPE it grabes the information from a different record. IE BASIC SHAPE1 would open the LIGHT BOX with information coming from RECORD 1 in the dataset, and BASIC SHAPE2 would open the same light box but with information from RECORD 2 in the data set. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

You can open a Lightbox with data. See the openLightbox() API for information on how to do this. Use the item from the database as the data sent to the Lightbox. Use this data in the Lightbox to display whatever details you need.