Dynamic Dataset & lightbox

I have a lightbox for confirming update of a profile.
The problem is that it’s possible to connect a Dynamic Dataset only to a regular page, but not to a lighbox.
Do you have any idea for a UI confirm without a lightbox, or maybe the idea will be where am I wrong ??

Hi Dafna,
I’m not sure that I fully understand what is the scenario. Please elaborate what you would like to achieve. Moreover, please add your site URL and screenshots so that we can better understand what you were referring.


I have a lightbox for profile update confirmation.
When the user confirms the update, all the confirmation code is connected to the same lightbox.
For updating, I need a dynamic dataset, BUT it is not possible to connect a dynamic dataset to a lightbox, it is possible only on regular page.
All update code works great on page, but I need to implement a confirmation message, and I don’t know how.
Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

You can use a container box instead of a lightbox and use the show and hide functions when necessary.
Note that you can also hide the container on load:


Thanks Tal:)

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