Dropdown selection of pdfViewer content

I want to use dropdown box (or any appropriate user control) to select a PDF file in a database and set that content in a pdfViewer. So far, the dropdown box is populated with key values from the dataset and I’ve added an change event handler. I can see which item is selected and can find the pdfViewer but don’t see any procedures to set it’s content.

This should be straight forward but I’m stuck. The PDF to be displayed is in the database. How do you set the new content into the PDF Viewer? Is code really necessary or can the dropdown do all the work?

export function dropdown1_change(event) {
    console.log($w('#pdfViewer1'));   //  <-- Finds the viewer but don't see any relevant methods
    console.log(event.target.value);   // <-- this displays the selected menu item 

Exploring an alternative, I created a single column list of the documents database and made it link to the PDF. That works and displays the PDF in a new window when you click on the table entry which is not quite what I want.

So… How to populate pdfViewer from a user selection?