Dropdown Menu and Application Form


I have two codes I need help with. I want to create a secrion where users can select a province and then also the spesific town in that province. so in other words the one dropdown should have all the provinces and right next to the provinces the different cities in that province. once its been chosen it should filter the results. how do I do this?

second: I need to create an application form where businesses can be able to complete all their business details, upload photos, add social media links, gps coordinates ect. how do I go about that?

thanks in advance.
I hope above questions makes sense.

1- Here ← is an example for what you are trying to do.
2- Creating a form is very easy on the editor. You need to activate developer tools first. Then you need to create a database and a form to collect datas on it.

Database Tutorial
Form Tutorial

Thank you, I tried it out today, but still seems to struggle :see_no_evil: