Disable social login

Currently if you code a log in the social login is enabled and is offered as the top choice for visitors.

In the wix editor, without using wix code, it is possible to disable social login (
https://support.wix.com/en/article/enabling-or-disabling-social-login-in-wix-forum )

But I need to disable social login, or at least make email login the first choice, using wix code. Is that possible? Here is part of my current code:

wixUsers.promptLogin( {“mode”: “login”} ) .then( (user) => { userId = user.id ; return user.getEmail(); } )

you are not coding a login, all you are doing is opening the default Wix login lightbox. As you have mentioned in your above post in the wix editor, without using wix code, it is possible to disable social login for the default Wix login lightbox

if you want to code a login page without social login buttons then you can create a new page then place input boxes on the page for email and password and a button for login, then use the code below

import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;

$w.onReady( function () {

$w(‘#loginButton’).onClick( function () {

let email = $w(‘#loginEmailInput’).value;

let password = $w(‘#loginPasswordInput’).value;

            wixUsers.login(email, password) 
