Debug wix code in Chrome Developer Tools

I’m trying to put breakpoint in the code I wrote for a page and I’m following the instructions like this “Loading the code for the YourPage page. To debug this code, open pqbzj.js in Developer Tools.”.
Unfortunately is not clear where I could find this file. In the Sources tab I looked in all the nodes but I don’t see the file. Could you please explain to me where can I find it?

You can debug your code in the Wix Editor itself through Developer Console.

Otherwise, if you wanted to still look at breakpoints through Chrome, then you need to be looking at Chrome’s own pages for it and not asking here on Wix.

Hi givemeawhisky, I know how to use Chrome’s developer tool. I just want to know under which path is the JS file located.

I believe you only need to go to source and click on open and start typing the filename you saw in the console (when the page loaded). It works for me.
Also, you can add “debugger” in your page code, this will cause the chrome debugger to stop at this line when the developer tools are open on chrome.

I put a “debugger;” statement inside my code, that way Chrome will open the file when it hits that line.