Date control

I am missing a code to control display of items from the database consisting of “Subject”, “Image”, “DateFrom” and “DateTile”. Topics must only be displayed from and including a start date and even an end date.
I myself have tried but I am not good at it, I hope someone here sees this.
Thanks in advance.

You can show things on a page in a repeater or a table:

You can use code to query a dataset to only show things after a set date:

Or you can filter the dataset to begin with:

As for showing start and end dates, then you can do that through read only date pickers connected to your dataset:

You can also already set the dataset date field into various displayed options:

Or by using code:
The Page

Datepicker Element: #datePicker1

Page Code

$w.onReady(function () {

let today = new Date();
let startDate = new Date(today);
startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 1); // Start Date +1 day from today //

let endDate = new Date(today);
endDate.setMonth(endDate.getMonth() + 1); // End Date +1 month from today //

// Set min & max dates //
$w("#datePicker1").minDate = startDate;
$w("#datePicker1").maxDate = endDate;

Hi Thanks for this information, I understand that, but my problem is at the same time to control what needs to be shown in the repetitions. This is where I need help. Bjarne