Dataset not exporting properly

I am trying to export my data from wix into an excel file but its not exporting correctly. It export as a text file and its hard to correct it even using text to column. How do I fix this?

Nope not working. The problem is not knowing how to export. I know how to export. Its just its exporting as a text file and not an excel file.

well, then it must be a bug!

What is the Datatyp of the File (the endig after the dot . )

Its csv which is right, but for some reason it is exporting as a text file which can only be opened as a notepad. When I open it with an excel file, the columns are badly screwed up.

well, when it is CSV, then it’s right and not a Text-Field like you said.

What you mean with “badly screwed up”. We can’t help you with just some badly words. Give us more… like pictures or the file, so we can have a look!

Screwed up like each word is in a different column. So if in Wix, there is a sentence in a column. When I export it, each word is placed in a different column making one column separated in as many as 50 columns.

Brodwolfsky , I think I know what the issue is but its strange. I have some unusual characters in my file. Like e with an accent - used in french language. So one of the Wix Help tutorial said if one has those, its better to use Google Spreadsheet (Google docs) to convert the file b4 import the file into Wix. That’s where the problem began. Now that I am exporting the file out of Wix, it looks like I also have to use Google docs to open the file after being exported. I just tried it and it works fine using Google docs. Its like once you use Google docs, you can only use it work with the file. One can’t work with the spreadsheet outside of the software.

Ok. Thats sounds really like a issue, that some “Character” of your values in the database do no collaborate with the export to a common CSV table.

I gonna try this too, because I have “french” project aswell right now, but never exported the Database.

Im having the same issue, there are values in incorrect columns

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