Database filtering & ownership.


I’m trying to create a website for a group of people (inc myself) that review theatre shows for an awards evening and i need to create a members area for my judges to be able to login, see the shows they have been assigned to see and then fill in a form after the show that will then be used to collate all of the reviews for later use.

I’ve imported my database of assigned show tickets with a name & email for each judge on it and managed to get them showing in a table upon login. I’m really strugging to make it filter so that it only shows that users tickets. Can anybody assist me please? I tried using filter by owner but this doesn’t work as everything is added via a central admin rather than each user.

(After i have completed this i plan to link the table to dynamic pages with a form linked to the same database line allowing the review to easily added.)

I recognize this problem, I had it too. What you should do is, when assigning tickets, specify the unique user, either by email or user_id and put one of those two in every ticket row.
Then, per user, you filter on that. Look at wix-user in the API documentation, that should get you going.
PS It will need some coding.