Creating a dynamic page with collapsing elements


I made a table and i would like the content of a dynamic table to collapse.

To give an example:
I want a table connected to a database showing just an image and a text next to it with a collapse button like so:

I found this example on your website:

But i’m still clueless on how to do this and what elements to start with? I thought this might work with a table?

When the element gets collapsed, i want there to be some text and perhaps some images (also if i could i’d like that to appear with the data from a database)

How would I do this?
I currently made it like this: using the FAQ, but i really want images next to the text, and putting everything data sets might help int he future. Also i really like the search button option, if possible

My suggestion is to use a repeater with a collapsed container inside.
It should be positioned next to a text and an image.