Create animated number:

hello guys.
I have follow the guide by same community for to create animated number:
I have two question for your!
For your opinion, exist one way, whit this code, for to see same application from the mobile? And, is possible to erase the “comma”(o point) from the application?

i past the code below.
thank you so much.
good woork.

$w.onReady(function () {

var i = 1;
var dato1 = 229;

var i2 = 1;
var dato2 = 1732;

var i3 = 1;
var dato3 = 4 ;

var cuenta = setInterval(contador1, 70);
var cuenta2 = setInterval(contador2, 70);
var cuenta3 = setInterval(contador3, 70);

if (i===dato1)

function contador1 () //Colonna 1
if (i<=dato1)
$w(“#text20”).text = (i.toString());
i = Math.round(i*1.5);
$w(“#text20”).text = formatoNumeros((dato1.toString()));

function contador2 () //Colonna 2
if (i2<=dato2)
$w(“#text21”).text = (i2.toString());
i2 = Math.round(i2*1.5);
$w(“#text21”).text = formatoNumeros((dato2.toString()));

function contador3 () //Colonna 3
if (i3<=dato3)
$w(“#text22”).text = (i3.toString());
i3 = Math.round(i3*1.5);
$w(“#text22”).text = formatoNumeros((dato3.toString()));

$w("#image1").onMouseIn((event, $w) => 

$w("#image2").onMouseOut( (event, $w) => 

$w(“#vectorImage2”).onMouseIn((event, $w) =>

$w(“#vectorImage4”).onMouseOut( (event, $w) =>

$w(“#vectorImage3”).onMouseIn((event, $w) =>

$w(“#vectorImage5”).onMouseOut( () =>

function formatoNumeros(amount, decimals) {

amount += ''; // por si pasan un numero en vez de un string
amount = parseFloat(amount.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, '')); // elimino cualquier cosa que no sea numero o punto

decimals = decimals || 0; // por si la variable no fue fue pasada

// si no es un numero o es igual a cero retorno el mismo cero
if (isNaN(amount) || amount === 0)
return parseFloat(0).toFixed(decimals);

// si es mayor o menor que cero retorno el valor formateado como numero
amount = ‘’ + amount.toFixed(decimals);

var amount_parts = amount.split(‘.’),
regexp = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;

while (regexp.test(amount_parts[0]))
amount_parts[0] = amount_parts[0].replace(regexp, ‘$1’ + ‘,’ + ‘$2’);

return amount_parts.join(‘.’);
