Copy contents of a Table Cell to an Input box

export function table1_cellSelect(event, $w) {
$w(“#table1”).onCellSelect( (event, $w) => {

let cellData = event.cellData;
$w(‘#input5’).value = cellData;
const textIntextBox = $w(‘#input5’).value;
} );
This works a treat. However when i submit the input box contents are not save to the data base.
If i type the very exact same text in it, It Gets Saved…
Have tried Text boxes and input boxes. Live and sandbox, drop down list boxes and data sets. nothing seems to work. everything else on the submit form works perfectly, saves to the data base and cells are selected not rows and it is in the cell select event also tried it in the click event
any ideas

Dumb but obvious question, is the input box connected to your database like the rest of your inputs?

From docu:

If an element is connected to a dataset, setting the element’s value in code does not set the value of the connected field in the dataset. That means if you use the dataset to perform a submit, the value changed in code is not reflected in the submitted item.
To submit the new value using a dataset, set the field’s value using the setFieldValue() function before performing the submit.

Hi David.
Yes the input box is connected to the dataset and the value connects to the appropriate field in that database. As I said it all works when i just type into the input box when i submit it, everything gets saved to the database nicely. same result for preview mode and live site, sandbox and live data base. not saving when copied from - to / is saving when i just type it in…strange!


Please send your editor’s URL so we can inspect.

Hi. Quick strange issue happening.
As you know when an upload (image) button is clicked it takes you to a file box of the drive on your computer. you choose your file click ok and the input button reflect this file on your site, Now all my buttons on my site require me to not just click one time but to do the same sequence 2 times before it takes the file name and displays it under the button. Everything else is fine when i click the submit button just need to choose the file twice now for it to chosen correctly.

Any Thoughts?