Collection field for array

Hello, is there a way to insert an entiere array into a collection field?
Here is my issue : I have a form where users fill a table/array with tools they need for an event.
So I have a table/array with all the tools I want to insert in the same DB that my entire form.
For 1 row in my database, I need a field in which I can record multiple values. Is it possible?

I thought about making another collection for the array but I need to link all informations from my form to this array. And if I submit my form in the same time I submit my array, I can’t link array and form ID (because form ID will not exist at the moment I will submit the array items).

Is there a solution? Thank you

I think I understand what you mean: in a 1-n relationship, put all n´s into a collection. Well, it is possible, but it´s tricky: you will have to write your own constructor and parser to get this info into a db and back in a meaningfull way, not even thinking about `tools´ added, removed. It will be a nightmare, you are basically trying to develop your own database interface on … a text field.
In short: I would not even dream about doing it like this. I would, instead, do it how it is supposed to be done: using two collections, 1 for the “form” and one for the “tools”.
You CAN write the “form” first, retrieve the primary key (_id) and THEN write subsequent rows of “tools” to the second collection using this Primary Key as the value for a Reference Field in the second collection. But it will take coding, I do not know of any way to do this without coding.

Thank you for your answer and I think you’re right, I’m gonna create 2 DB and coding it as you say, it will be easier !