Coding Question: How can I create a 'Take screenshot" button

Hi There,

there is a section in my wix site where people can put images together - like a “click and drag” drawing board. And after they’ve completed their work, I’d like for them to be able to ‘save’ it to their member page (just like typing and posting a blog). I specifically want it to take a screenshot of what’s displayed in the container box on screen, and then save and display the image in a gallery on another page in their member zone. Any ideas how this could be done?

How exactly have you created the drawing board? if its an image you can simply save it in the database and display it using query , check out this article about creating a members area.

Hey, thanks so much for reaching out and the guidance. It’s actually three sliders and a container box that forms a vertical border around the middle items in each slider. so I need to take a screenshot of the multiple middle images. What do you think?

Hi, i think i have the same problem.
I wanted to screenshot an external embedded space and link it to the uploadbutton. how is it possible?

were you able to find a solution because i have the same query