Change the raring on each repeater


I’m working on a website and I’ve created a repeater, and each repeater has a specific rating according to each dynamic page that have a specific rating

And I follow the Rating of users and it works on the dynamic pages

But when I worked on repeater it works but it work on the first one and the rating of the first one is applying to the all repeaters

Just like that:

I write this code and it’s a part of Rating of users :


import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

//-------------Global Variables-------------//

// Current profesores.
let profesores;

//-------------Page Setup-------------//

$w.onReady(async function () {
 // Set the global profesores variable to the currently displayed profesores.
    profesores = await $w('#dynamicDataset').getCurrentItem();
 // Load the current profesores's reviews using the initReviews() function.

// Loads the current profesores's reviews.
async function initReviews() {
 // Filter the "Reviews" dataset to contain only the reviews on the currently displayed profesores.
 await $w('#Reviews').setFilter(wixData.filter().eq('profesoresId', profesores._id));
 // Load the current profesores's statistics using the loadStatistics() function.

// Load the current profesores's statistics.
async function loadStatistics() {
 // Get the statistics data based on the current profesores's ID.
 const stats = await wixData.get('review-stats', profesores._id);
 // If statistics data for the profesores was found:
 if (stats) {
 // Compute the profesores's average rating by dividing the total points by the number of ratings.
 let avgRating = (Math.round(stats.rating * 10 / stats.count) / 10);
 // Compute the percentage of reviewers that recommend the profesores.
 let percentRecommended = Math.round(stats.recommended / stats.count * 100);
 // Get the ratings element.
 let ratings = $w('#generalRatings');
 // Set the ratings element's average rating to the value calculated above. 
        ratings.rating = avgRating;
 // Set the ratings element's number of ratings to the count value from the statistics data.
        ratings.numRatings = stats.count;
 // Set the text for the recommended percentage element. 
 // Show the ratings element.
 // If there is no statistics data for the profesores:
} the ratings element.
 // If there is no statistics data for the profesores:

This is the page in the editor mode

Thank you for your respond to my forums


That’s a good job you did applying the product page example to a dynamic.

Try using repeater’s forEachItem() function to populate the ratings for the different repeater items.$w.Repeater.html#forEachItem

This way, you will be able to specify what data gets assigned to what item.

Good luck!

it will be handy if the Wix team can put out some worked out examples.

I like Wix for its ease of use, but not for this feature I am afraid. this ratings and repeaters bit is so commonly asked for and used, I am supprised Wix don’t have more videos and examples on this.