Change a page's social share info using wix code

I can change the social share information (like page title, description and image) using the wix editor via the page settings. My question is, am I able to change this using wix code based on a user input?

No as this can only be done by admin themselves through those settings.


Using Wix code you can change social share page Description, URL and Image. Code something like this…

let twitterShareUrl = (“”);

// place a twitter share image on your page and link it to the above URL

$w(“#twitterImage”).link = (twitterShareUrl);

//adding an image is a bit more tricky but can be done as follows.
//copy the URL from an image posted on twitter, URL has to start with “”.

let twitterShareUrlWithImage = (" Your Message Here"))

$w(“#twitterImage”).link = (twitterShareUrlWithImage );

//modify above code to create dynamic links based on user input as required for your specific site

^ this. If you’d like a walk-through tutorial for a similar approach you can check out Code Queen Nayeli’s vid:

That way site members can input their own social links, which you can store in a database.