[BUG?] limit on Stores/Products is set to 100 not 1000

I wish to query all the products stored in the product collection from Wix store.

I tried to retrieve them all in 1 query but the limit parameter of wixData.query cannot be set above 100 for that collection. Is this an intended behavior or a bug?

//Error: {"message":"value Some(101) for paging.limit is not valid","details":{}}

If intended could you update the documentation

I have run into the same issue. This can only be described as a bug. It would be nice if someone from Wix would comment.

I think I have also just stumbled across this. Has there been any activity on this issue or did either of you come up with workarounds?

This is not a bug: this is documented here https://support.wix.com/en/article/corvid-wix-stores-products-collection-fields