Behavior of multi-item reference fields when using bulkInsert(), bulkSave() or bulkUpdate()

As Wix Support does not handle questions related to Wix Code, I will post this here and hope for a quick response from the moderators.

Could you please confirm whether or not bulkInsert(), bulkSave(), or bulkUpdate will handle multi-item reference fields? The API documentation is not clear. Based upon my past experience, I would assume that while single item reference fields will be handled properly, multi-item reference fields will need to be handled separately using the insertReference() and replaceReference() API calls. In that correct?

It must be a type of array, for example:

let toInsert = { 
title: 'John Doe',
name: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
References: [id1,id2,id3,id4,id5]

For me doesn’t work.
With my following code the ‘title’ property is correctly updated but the multi-reference field ‘tag’ no.

export async function button7_click(event) {

     let id1 = 'b4d0f567-d370-46bb-9a7f-9b383065bd3e'
     let id2 = '635c6630-5c96-454f-8b38-32336fe2b765'

 let toUpdate = [
            _id: '7d9cbc8e-86bb-45d7-9485-9fa3805a84e1',
            title: 'testBulk 2',
            tag: [id1,id2]

 await wixData.bulkUpdate("productData", toUpdate)
            .then( (results) => {
                console.log('update results: ', results)
            } )
            .catch( (err) => {
            } );
