Automatic Confirmation Email

Is there currently a way to associate a particular or a generic confirmation email message with a submit button linked to user entries into a db and have the system automatically send such an email out?

If not, would you please kindly convert this into a feature request. This is honestly a required functionality for many such web forms…


Hi Omid,
This isn’t currently supported out of the box as a feature of “Submit form”.
However, you can do it yourself through a bit of backend code.
Try adding your logic to an “afterInsert” hook in your backend code.
Your hook logic will be called after any successful insert of a new record to the relevant collection.
You can then implement email sending logic based on the data send to the database (in this case, the email address).

Take a look here: Velo: About Data Hooks | Help Center |

Good luck!

We’ve just added a new article on this subject:


Omid -
we’d really appreciate feedback on the article.
if you can share it - it would be great.


I like it, but did not fully read through it, just glanced at it and it seems your documentation game is finally catching up with the Code game itself :smiley:

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Hi Omed, I try to submit a completed form to my e-mail addres saying: “New form has arrived”. Without any 3rd party system. Did you find how to do this?

I never used this in the end, will have to play with it again and report back sometime.