Assigning multiple values to product database

I’m building a product database but I’ve run into a problem. Some of the product items have more than one value for a cateogry (column). For example, product X can be made with aluminum or wood, in other words its available in more than one option. I would prefer avoiding the redundancies that would result from adding each combination of product item/material type. I’ve considered a many to many relational database, but the Wix database doesn’t appear to support that type of schema. Is there anyway I can get around the brute force method?


Hi Derek,
How do you plan on filtering your products? How will they be displayed (UI wise) ?

Hi Roi,
I want the user to be able to click links from another web page (in this case, two separate web pages: By Style or By Material). Each of those web pages have Repeaters that tell a little bit about each style/material with a link to display the products by the users choice. If the user wants to look at the product line based on a particular style, I want to show the material options available below each product image.

Hopefully that makes sense. I’ve gone down a rabbit hole and I’m most likely overthinking it.

Are there any other cases besides style or material?

Not at the moment. That’s not to say it won’t change in the future.

Any tips?

Roi, you bailed on me!

The proper way to do this would be through correct database structure as you hinted. Another option is to store aluminum and wood as a JSON string array in one column. So in your database it would show item: item1, materials: {wood, aluminum}