Animated Numbers on

Hey Guys,
I need some help with creating animated numbers on my wix website. I am not in the least tech savvy, so i am in need of professionals. I want to create a client repeat business section where the number starts at 0% and then counts up quickly to 85%. I would also like the same with projects completed, having that start at 0 then counting up to 200+. Please let me know if this is something that you guys can help with. I had previously tried code written by others, but for some reason when i enter them it does not correlate to numbers, it just displays the actual script.

Are just talking about running numbers? So you can try:

let counter = 0;
let countrEndNumber = 85;
$w.onReady( function() {
  let counterInterval = setInterval(count, 150);//150 millisecond interval, you can change it.
  function count(){
       $w("#text1").text = counter.toString() + "%";//instead of "text1" use your own text-box property id;
   if(counter > countrEndNumber){clearInterval(counterInterval)}

when i copy and paste that it does not correspond to a number, just publishes as the text.

I’m not sure I got you. Did you paste it to the page code panel?

@jonatandor35 I posted them under the HTML, code button then pasted it in the box provided

@ciaranhunt1995 neither of them is the right place to put this code. You should put it in the page code panel.

and before that you have to activate Corvid:

@jonatandor35 Perfect! Thank you! Do i adjust the last code to do the 200+ projects completed?

@ciaranhunt1995 you’re welcome.