Aggregate Data

I’d like more help with adding together information entered on a form.

Let’s say on my made up form that I have an employee that enters their sales data for the day. They sold 1 item yesterday at $6 and 2 items today at $12 each. Is there a code I can write that would add those together and report that their sales have hit $30 so far! or have made a total of 3 sales. ?


This is possible with Wix code,

  1. Set up a database for holding the data.
  2. Set up a form that stores the relevant employee data in the database we made
  3. Add a table that has 3 fields: Total Profit, Number of Items Sold, Employee Name
  4. Use the wix api to get the information from the database, and calculate Total Profit and Number of Items sold for each employee (Employee name doesn’t need to be calculated).
  5. Fill out the table you made with the data

This sounds hard but once you get going this should be managable.

Here are some relevent api documentation to get you started:

Setting up database
Setting up form that submits to database
Database Querying
Tables and setting their data


I haven’t been able to do this. Yet. I’ll try again tomorrow.