Ads.txt Not Working

I attempted the below text, but I have no clue how to access the Backend folder on my Wix Blog :(. Any tips on coding for this Art History grad?

Just wanted to contribute to this thread and say thanks for pointing us in the right direction - - to help others who may potentially come across this stumbling block - here is what you need to do. Create a file called http-functions.js in your Backend folder of files.
Then copy this template and add your own text:
import {ok, notFound, serverError} from ‘wix-http-functions’;
// @see
let adstxt = # Ads.txt Add text here...
export function get_Adstxt(request) {
let options = {
“headers”: {
“Content-Type”: “text/plain”
“body”: adstxt
return ok(options);
You will then be able to access it on your site at eg.
For the final step (you must do this) - in your settings - add a Redirect for /ads.txt to point to /_functions/Adstxt
Then ad networks will find your file correctly - job done.

You will find your backend in the site structure on the left hand side of your Wix Editor.

hi…i have done everything, but the redirect is not working. both /ads.txt and /_functions/Adstxt are working individually but redirecting doesnt work…Please help

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Hi , Is your issue resolved now or not ? If yes can you please advise.

hi…i have done everything, but the redirect is not working. both /ads.txt and /_functions/Adstxt are working individually but redirecting doesnt work…Please help

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i did everythings everything but nothing works at all on wix can someone help , i created a new file and its was empty and i tried to put all these by typing becouse it cant also copy paste. so whats going on

Hello everyone,

I need also to redirect to an ads.txt file which isn’t provide by google.
I have followed all the steps but I still have access the bot pages /ads.txt to point to /_functions/Adstxt
the redirection is not working.

Can someone have a look ?