Adjusting website content to the size of the ​screen its being viewed on

I have been using wix to host my website for the last 3 years and a complete revamp is underway. – The editing has predomenantly been done on my 13" laptop, but decided to shift over to my 23" editing screen to realise that the content is tiny compared to the size of the window.
Is there any function or code I can add to allow the content to adjust to the size of the screen it’s being viewed on?
As a photographer with a website to showcase my portfolio, its quite disappointing to have to work with a format that is stuck at the size it’s been sized to and doesn’t adjust to the screen size accordingly.


This forum is dedicated to Corvid. For questions that are not related to code you can contact the Wix support team . You’ll get better help for your problem there.

There are ways with Corvid :slight_smile: