Address Delivery Option for gift baskets

Hello Wix Community! So I am having some trouble setting up my website. I sell Gift Sets on, and I am looking for a way for customers to input a delivery address, time, and date before clicking “add to cart”. I tried using additional text boxes, but they do no look good with any of the layout options provided. Are there any codes for this type of situation? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Hey Kyle :slight_smile:

Here is an idea, you can create a custom product page, using the dynamic pages feature.
In that page you can add any component that will retain a single stunning design and this page will be mapped to the products collection.
To that page you’ll add a button that will collect all the relevant data from the product page and call the add to cart function.
Now you can create for each product a custom text field and there you can store everything you need(address, date, time, etc)

Here are some related documentations$w.CartIcon.html#addToCart

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