Adding Isotope Filter to My Wix Portfolio Gallery

Hey guys, I’m beginner to web develop and design.

My question is I would like to build my portfolio gallery by adding filtering features on it. However, I found that Wix doesn’t provide this feature and it’s provided by Isotopes ( Filter & sort magical layouts) in Javascript.

Is that any tutorial about adding the script to wix website? I hope people can help, thanks!

There will be no tutorial from Wix about adding Isotopes to it.

Remember too, that if you are wanting to use it for commercial purposes, then you will need to pay for it.

You will need to combine all the code into one place and then pit all the code into a html iframe.

As for using their own NodeJS, well first see if Wix have allowed it’s use in their own Wix Package manager otherwise you will have to put in a request for it.