Variant prices in Wix Store

Implementing direct ‘add to cart’ from products page.
The only open issue I have is how to present the choices prices for killo/unit.
I’m using images instead of radio buttons, and the cart receives the correct price,
But when trying to change it for view, I don’t know where to find it.
The productOptions on the products collection looks like this:
and the variant price is not there.
many thanks!

I asked about this issue already. One of the team members said, that variant price is not implemented and it’s not even in their plans :frowning:
It’s really missed point.

got this reference from Wix.
You cab use the function


to get the choices variant prices with

let selectedVariant = availability.selectedVariant;

and then get the price


follow the code, including the backend part

good luck!!!

Hi @dafna-kotzer would you mind to explain a little more, or a simple example

can you please explain what you did?