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Pre-Listening questions:

- What did you do when you turned 21 years-old?

- What's your favorite drink?

- What do you think of minors using fake IDs to get into bars?


- How does Troy describe himself?

- Who made the cake?

- What's the name of the least offensive bar Britta has ever been to?

- According to Jeff, what makes this party, a real party?

- Why can't Annie go to the party?

- What is Britta's solution to Annie's problem?

Post-Listening questions:

​- What do you think is going to happen in the rest of the night?

- Do you believe Annie might get in trouble?

- Do you think Britta and Jeff are a good examples for their younger friends?



Jeff: - Pierce, what is this? What are you doing? Explain yourself.
Pierce: - Who made this crappy cake anyway?
Abed: - A cake maker. At a cake store.
Pierce: - They did it wrong.
Annie: - Troy, we're 1990. We're horses.
Troy: - I was born in '89.
Jeff: - Then... You were born 21 years ago.
Troy: - Which would make me 20, because everyone is 10 for two years. Because fifth grade is really hard for every... One. Mom, how many lies have I been living!
Britta: - Troy, do you realize at midnight you are turning 21 as in "the legal drinking age"?
Jeff: - This party just became unacceptable-we're going out.
Annie: - But you guys were just complaining about us having too many parties.
Jeff: - Too many lame ones. This is real.
Shirley: - Well, what makes it real?
Jeff: - Well, Shirley, think of it as troy taking his first bath, only the bubbles
are his manhood.
Troy: - Yes. I wanna bathe in manhood.
Jeff: - I'm taking you to I street.
Britta: - Douche street.
Jeff: - Oh, of course you hate cool bars. I don't suppose you've ever even been to I street.
Britta: - No. But I also haven't been to beirut. But I'm sure I will go one day, because I hear they have
lots of important cultural- ... Unlike I street, which is douchey.
Jeff: - All right, let's your great suggestions.
Britta: - The red door.
Jeff: - Oh, yeah, the red door! The red hipster.
Britta: - Not hipster. Hipsters haven't discovered it yet. It's underound.
Shirley: - Why don't we go someplace fun like peg leg pablo's? They serve virgin mudslides.
Britta: - Those are milk shakes, Shirley.
Annie: - You guys! All you think about is yourselves. Think about me. I'm 19. I can't get into bars. Okay, well... Have fun.
Britta: - Fine. I'll get annie an I.D.
Annie: - A fake I.D.?
BRitta: - It will be real. It just won't be yours. I will see you at the red door.
Jeff: - Nice try. We're not going to red poet's society.
Britta: - Well, we're not going to douche street either.
Jeff: - Fine. Count of three, name the least offensive bar you've ever been to. One, two, three.
Together: Flannahan's hole.
JEff: Done. Troy, you ride with me?
Troy: - Do you even have to ask?
Shirley: - Pierce, do you wanna ride in my van?
Pierce: - I'm not a disabled. I don't need people helping me Do normal things and doting over me...
Why don't you just leave- Okay! I'll beat you there.

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