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Fun ways to use the free icons inside the Wix Editor

Whether you’re about to learn how to make a website or looking to freshen up your current site’s look, we’ve got a trendsetting web design tip for you. The Wix website builder is full of beautiful design elements like flat design and long-scrolling orientation that gives your site the extra edge.

We’ve got so many design tools, that it can even be hard to find them all when making a website. That’s why we want to bring your attention to the tiny visual powerhouses that are the free icons. From favicons to your online store, icons and vector art can be used in so many ways – and can make all the difference in your site’s overall cool factor, regardless of the different file type you use.

To get started, take a look at these free icon packs. Then, browse through our favorite ways to see them used.


Help your site visitors know where to go by adding icons that’ll get them there. Have a long scrolling site? A “Back to Top” button will make scrolling up a breeze. Ready for your customers to swipe their credit card in the checkout aisle? Make sure they don’t waste any time getting there by including an icon of your shopping cart. Just like a street sign helps direct traffic, icons will guide visitors to best peruse your site and get from place to place with ease.

Elicit Action

Website icons aren’t just about giving visitors a message, they also help users take action. From “Contact Us” to “Book Now” every site can take advantage of these simple images linking to the perfect location. Quick Tip: Be careful to include text with many of these icons to remain as clear as possible.

Extra-engaging Bullets

If you’re creating a list, why not use icons instead of the original bullet mark? For example, if you want to showcase the all-natural ingredients you use in your baked goods, you can add an accompanying icon before each one for added visual effect. There are so many icons to choose from to make this cuteness happen.

Extra-engaging Bullets

Proud Banners & Badges

Do you have a best-selling item? Does one of your team members deserve the title of employee of the month? Do you want to show that you guarantee excellence? These icons are perfect for all of the above and more. Slap a badge or banner on something, and it becomes clear that it’s extra special. You can also add text to your banner or badge that’ll leave no room for confusion – this item is top-notch.

Avatars for Your Team

Is your team feeling a little camera shy? Icons to the rescue! You can introduce your team members with an avatar that looks more or less like them – no camera required.

Arrows that Make a Point

Trying desperately to get more eyes on your ‘sign up now’ button? Why not put an arrow in front of it! The eye is trained to find arrows, and then to follow the direction they’re focused on. This can be a fun addition, just don’t use too many, or you’ll go from pointy to pushy.

Souped-up Social bar

Who says all social icons have to look the same? You can now choose different icons that will better match the look and feel of your site, or even your brand. Go on and be a [beautiful] social butterfly.

Souped-up Social bar

Flags That Show Your International Side

If your website is available in more than one language you should totally be taking advantage of the flag icons. It is universally understood that flags on a website mean you can choose to see the content in a different language. Just be sure to choose the flag that correlates with the languages you provide, and then link them to your translated content.

Tasty Food Icons

If you have a restaurant website, these are especially for you. While adding mouth-watering images of your dishes is the best way to connect your site visitors’ brains with their stomachs, adding icons can have a similar effect. Add them to your menu, or use them to introduce information about your restaurant.

Bonus Tools for non-designers: Take a peek at illustrio, a customizable image library that offers even more icons and will help you build your brand, as well as our guide to Wix image optimization.

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